Before being restored and re-polished in a Black satin finish.

Rogers Grand Piano cabinet before being stripped, prepared and refinished in Black Satin.

Rogers Grand frame before being valeted.

Rogers name on the keyboard lid prior to polishing.

Piano Details
Model: Rogers 5ft 2in Grand
Colour: Black
Finish: Satin
Year of make: 1920's
Re-polished: Pending
Restored: Pending
Ivory Keys: No
Octaves: 7 1/4
Warranty: 2 Years
Piano Stool: Yes (Adjustable)
Price: £SOLD When Restored
Rental: £N/AMonthly
Deposit Required: £N/A
Buy this Piano From: £N/A a Month on a 36 month Hire Purchase Contract with 0% Interest
Deposit Required: £N/A
Accessories: Adjustable Stool,
Two year parts and labour warranty.
Dimensions: Metric
Height: cm (Lid closed)
Length: cm
Width: cm
Dimensions: Imperial
Height: Inches (Lid closed)
Length: Inches
Width: Inches
Medium tone with a Medium to Light touch.
Roger Grand piano with a 88 note keyboard in a Black Satin cabinet.